New images reveal how Birkenhead Market could look at controversial new location

Earlier this year, Wirral Council confirmed that Birkenhead Market would be moving into the former Argos unit on Princes Pavement, after plans for the former House of Fraser site on Grange Road were dropped.

Plans for the new Birkenhead Market are moving forward as Wirral Council reveals new designs for the site.

Earlier this year, Wirral Council confirmed that Birkenhead Market would be moving into the former Argos unit on Princes Pavement, after plans for the former House of Fraser site on Grange Road were dropped last year.

A market has existed in Birkenhead since 1835 with a current location within the Grange Precinct. For several years, Wirral Council which took over the market in 2019, has been developing plans to create a ‘purpose-built flagship new market’ that it said would kick start its regeneration of the town centre.

The council said Princes Pavement, St John’s Pavement and the existing market location were considered as alternative locations to the House of Fraser site, however, the curator’s assessment found that ‘the St John’s Pavement location was not large enough and included uncertainties around planning issues and acquiring the nearby coffee shop to provide additional space’.

Despite this, the new location has been heavily criticised by traders, hundreds who signed a petition against the Princes Pavement move. However, the council says market traders will be able to have their say on the newly revealed designs, with each currently being invited to an individual meeting with the council’s Market Development Consultant. 

A survey is now open until September 23 and all local residents are being asked what they think of the proposed design of the market, as well as the types of stalls, products and events that would make them more likely to visit the new market. Once this feedback has been received, Wirral Council say a full consultation with residents and stakeholders will take place to decide the final design for the new market.

The below images show how the new market could look once plans are finalised..

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