No matter how many years go by, there are some foods that we will never forget. The meals, snacks and treats that were a key part of our lives growing up hold a special place in our hearts and stir fond memories.
From nostalgic chocolate bars and sweets, that have since been discontinued, to school cake with pink custard or a warming bowl of Scouse, childhood foods are a comforting reminder of days gone by.
Some dishes were exclusive to Liverpool and Merseyside, and others were enjoyed across Britain, but they will forever be treasured and have been enjoyed by generations of Liverpudlians.
So let's take a comforting walk down memory lane with a variety of foods that remind people of growing up in this vibrant city.

1. Sugar butty
Sugar butties are a key memory from many local peoples' childhoods, and the treat can be traced back to more than a century ago. At one point, the sandwich - which was sugar pressed between two slices of white, buttered bread - was actually considered to be a healthy meal. | Bit24 & Natalia/Stock.adobe Photo: Bit24 & Natalia/Stock.adobe

2. Saveloy and chips
One of my personal core memories is playing out with my friends and being given a couple of pounds to spend. Instead of buying sweets, I'd head straight to the chippy and get a saveloy and chips. If I felt extra hungry, I'd grab a couple potato scallops too. | Adobe Stock Photo: Adobe Stock

3. School cake
A nostalgic treat, this classic sponge cake was something many of us looked forward to having at school. Known by some as sprinkle sponge cake, but referred to as school cake here in Liverpool, it was even better when covered in pink custard. | Flickr Photo: Flickr

4. Toast off the gas fire
Our readers shared memories of making toast off the gas fire when they were kids, which was common practice back in the 70s. | Getty/Evening Standard/Adobe Stock Photo: Getty/Evening Standard/Adobe Stock