Ofsted is the regulatory body responsible for providing schools across the country with rankings - ranging from ‘inadequate’ to ‘outstanding’.
While concerns have been shared regarding Ofsted's single-word judgements, alongside calls for reform, they are currently one way by which parents decide which schools to send their children to.
Many schools across Merseyside are rated as ‘good’, however, fewer have been awarded the top mark. We have scoured the ratings to find out which schools have received the top mark, with 27 Liverpool primary schools rated 'outstanding' in 2024.
Below are all of the Liverpool primary schools which currently hold an 'outstanding' Ofsted rating.
Information is correct at the time of publishing - February 7, 2024. Please note, some schools featured in this list have not been inspected for a number of years.

25. St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School, L1
Published in May 2013, the Ofsted report for St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School reads: “Almost all pupils make excellent progress at all key stages throughout the school. The quality of teaching is outstanding and staff, at all levels throughout the school, have very high expectations of pupils. This underpins pupils’ excellent achievement." | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View

26. St Vincent’s School, West Derby
Published in April 2023, the Ofsted report for St Vincent’s School reads: There has been no change to this school’s overall judgement of outstanding as a result of this ungraded (section 8) inspection. However, the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might not be as high if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now. The next inspection will therefore be a graded inspection. Pupils very much enjoy coming to St Vincent’s School. They like being with their friends and they enjoy the warm relationships that they have with teachers and leaders. Pupils feel safe in the school. They told inspectors that if anything is worrying them, they can tell an adult and they know that they will get the help that they need. Staff care for pupils well." | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View

27. Whitefield Primary School, Everton
Published in December 2017, the Ofsted report for Whitefield Primary School states: “The executive headteacher’s determination to provide the highest quality of education for the pupils in her care is exceptional. She inspires her senior leaders and other staff to fulfil the school’s motto, ‘Nothing but the best.’ Their success is evident in the improvement in all aspects of the school’s work since the last inspection." | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View