Ofsted is the regulatory body which provides schools across the country with rankings, ranging from ‘inadequate’ to ‘outstanding’.
While concerns have been shared regarding Ofsted's single-word judgements, alongside calls for reform, they are currently one way by which parents decide which schools to send their children to.
Many schools across Merseyside are rated as ‘good’, however, fewer have been awarded the top mark. We have scoured the ratings and found that six Wirral secondary schools are rated 'outstanding' and 18 are rated 'good' in 2024.
Below are all of the Wirral secondary schools currently rated 'outstanding' or 'good' by Ofsted.
Information is correct at the time of publishing - February 13 ,2024. Please note, some schools featured in this list have not been inspected for a number of years.

21. West Kirby School and College - Outstanding
Published in February 2022, the Ofsted report for West Kirby School and College states: “Leaders have high ambitions for every pupil. Many pupils arrive at West Kirby after a period of disrupted and turbulent education. Leaders and staff get them back on track. They help pupils to manage their own behaviour, to re-engage with learning and to gain qualifications that set them up well for adult life. Pupils know that staff want to help. Staff support pupils when they find things difficult. This means that pupils can relax and enjoy their time at school. Pupils feel safe because they know staff will listen to any worries they have." | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View

22. Wirral Grammar School for Boys - Good
Published in December 2022, the Ofsted report for Wirral Grammar School for Boys states: “Pupils enjoy a wealth of high-quality opportunities that reflect leaders’ aim ‘to develop each individual’s potential to the full’. Pupils and students excel in the many leadership roles that they are given. These include volunteering in the community and supporting pupils at local primary schools. Students in the sixth form play a central role in the life of the school. For example, they coordinate a peer support group for younger pupils." | Image: Google Photo: Google Street View

23. Wirral Grammar School for Girls - Outstanding
Published in January 2023, the Ofsted report for Wirral Grammar School for Girls reads: “At Wirral Grammar School for Girls, pupils and students thrive. They feel an immense sense of pride in belonging to a warm and welcoming school community. Pupils and students embrace the high expectations that leaders have of them, and they flourish both personally and academically. All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve remarkably well. Pupils and students are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education, employment and/or training." | Image: Google Photo: Google Street View

24. Wirral Hospitals' School - Outstanding
Published in March 2019, the Ofsted report for Wirral Hospitals’ School states: “This school continues to be outstanding. The leadership team has maintained the outstanding quality of education in the school since the last inspection. You and your leadership team are ambitious in your planning and know what you want to achieve to improve the quality of education for your pupils. " | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View