Ofsted is the regulatory body which provides schools across the country with rankings, ranging from ‘inadequate’ to ‘outstanding’.
While concerns have been shared regarding Ofsted's single-word judgements, alongside calls for reform, they are currently one way by which parents decide which schools to send their children to.
Many schools across Merseyside are rated as ‘good’, however, fewer have been awarded the top mark. We have scoured the ratings and found that six Wirral secondary schools are rated 'outstanding' and 18 are rated 'good' in 2024.
Below are all of the Wirral secondary schools currently rated 'outstanding' or 'good' by Ofsted.
Information is correct at the time of publishing - February 13 ,2024. Please note, some schools featured in this list have not been inspected for a number of years.

5. Foxfield School - Good
Published in May 2023, the Ofsted report for Foxfield School reads: “Pupils who come to Foxfield School have a wide range of needs and difficulties. Leaders have high expectations that all pupils will try their hardest to learn well and build up what they know and can do. Pupils fulfil these expectations. They typically improve in their learning and development during their time in the school. Staff provide effective support which closely matches pupils’ needs. This support helps pupils to achieve well." | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View

6. Hilbre High School - Good
Published in December 2021, the Ofsted report for Hilbre High School reads: “Pupils and students at Hilbre High School look out for and support each other. They have positive and mature relationships with each other and with staff. Pupils feel safe at the school. They said that they are well educated about staying safe. Pupils trust staff. They are confident to turn to staff if they need extra help or support. Staff have consistently high expectations of pupils. Most pupils learn well in their lessons. They gain a good understanding of a range of subjects and the wider world." | Google Photo: Google

7. Kilgarth School - Outstanding
Published in April 2019, the Ofsted report for Kilgarth School reads: “Following my visit to the school on 12 March 2019 with Ian Hardman, Her Majesty’s Inspector, I write on behalf of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills to report the inspection findings. The visit was the first short inspection carried out since Kilgarth School was judged to be outstanding in March 2015. This school continues to be outstanding. The leadership team has maintained the outstanding quality of education in the school since the last inspection." | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View

8. LIFE Wirral Sports School - Good
Published in July 2023, the Ofsted report for LIFE Wirral Sports School reads: "Pupils reported that behaviour in the school is good and that they can learn in lessons without disruption. The inspector found that pupils behave well in lessons. There is a calm and orderly atmosphere during breaktimes. Pupils have positive and respectful relationships with staff. Pupils’ conduct, which was observed during the inspection, was generally positive." | LIFE Wirral Sports School Photo: LIFE Wirral Sports School