Ofsted is the regulatory body which provides schools across the country with rankings, ranging from ‘inadequate’ to ‘outstanding’.
While concerns have been shared regarding Ofsted's single-word judgements, alongside calls for reform, they are currently one way by which parents decide which schools to send their children to.
Many schools across Merseyside are rated as ‘good’, however, fewer have been awarded the top mark. We have scoured the ratings and found that six Wirral secondary schools are rated 'outstanding' and 18 are rated 'good' in 2024.
Below are all of the Wirral secondary schools currently rated 'outstanding' or 'good' by Ofsted.
Information is correct at the time of publishing - February 13 ,2024. Please note, some schools featured in this list have not been inspected for a number of years.
1. Birkenhead High School Academy - Good
Published in June 2023, the Ofsted report for Birkenhead High School Academy reads: "Most pupils value their education. Across the school, teachers encourage pupils to
do their best. Overall, pupils are keen to learn new knowledge and information. For
example, pupils enjoy participating in discussions and debates about topical issues.
Children in the early years and in the junior school enjoy learning outdoors. In the
main, the curriculum is enabling most current pupils to achieve well. In this all through school, staff prepare pupils well for the next steps in their education." | Google Photo: Google Street View
2. Calday Grange Grammar School - Good
Published in October 2019, the Ofsted report for Calday Grange Grammar School states: “Pupils enjoy school and they say that they feel safe. They are confident that staff will listen and take care of them. Younger pupils say that older pupils are kind and help them to find their way around school. Pupils’ behaviour during lessons is very good. Teachers motivate pupils to do well. During lessons, most pupils show the highest respect for their teachers. They listen politely to their teacher and the responses from their peers. Pupils can work without distraction. Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve." | Image: Google Photo: Google Street View
3. Clare Mount Specialist Sports College - Outstanding
Published in January 2022, the Ofsted report for Clare Mount Specialist Sports College reads: “Pupils achieve well at this highly ambitious school. They feel happy and safe in school. Skilled staff ensure that pupils’ varying special educational needs and/or disabilities are appropriately catered for. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong and supportive." | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View
4. Co-op Academy Bebington - Good
Published in June 2023, the Ofsted report for Co-op Academy Bebington states: "At Co-op Academy Bebington, pupils, and students in the sixth form, thrive. They
know that leaders and teachers have high expectations of them and they rise to
meet them. Academically, all pupils, including those with special educational needs
and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from an ambitious and carefully designed
curriculum. This gives them the depth of knowledge that they need to succeed in
their future choices. They achieve well." | Google Street View Photo: Google Street View