Primary school children in blue uniform in the classroom. Image: RCH Photographic - stock.adobe.comPrimary school children in blue uniform in the classroom. Image: RCH Photographic -
Primary school children in blue uniform in the classroom. Image: RCH Photographic - | RCH Photographic -

The 12 best Liverpool primary schools ranked by educational performance as school places allocated

These are the highest ranking Liverpool primary schools based on Department for Education data for 2023.

Liverpool is home to some excellent primary schools, with Ofsted inspectors rating nine as Outstanding as of 2024. However, concerns have been raised about the regulatory body’s single-word judgements on its four-point scale, ranging from 'inadequate' to 'outstanding'.

Another way to see how schools rank against each other is to use government data analysis of the academic performance of pupils. According to Department of Education data for the academic year 2022/2023, the primary schools below rank the best for the percentage of pupils meeting the expected academic standard.

Pupils are meeting the expected standard if they achieve a scaled score of 100 or more in their reading and maths tests, and their teacher assesses them as 'working at the expected standard' or better in writing. 

From Tuesday, April 16, parents and guardians will find out if their child has been allocated a place at their preferred primary school ahead of the September intake later this year.

So with that in mind, here are the 12 best-performing Liverpool primary schools ranked by educational attainment. Take a look and see whether your child’s school is on the list…